Sunday, 27 November 2011

Motorbike Show

So, after a comfortable night in Redditch, we drove the short distance to the NEC and joined the throngs walking from the car park.  The first stand we visited was to see the Harley Davidson we will be riding, don't think I will be able to fall off the back!  It was massive and very comfortable.  Then we trawled round the rest of the stands trying to find helmets, kevlar jeans and boots. Success on the jeans front but nothing else unfortunately, never mind still plenty of time for shopping. After a sandwich lunch we found the stand of the tour group that we are travelling with only to find that our tour guide was there and happy to answer our questions.  He is a jolly man and has so far clocked up 104 tours, think he might know the way now!  He explained that he only drives for an hour at a time, to save our pretty little behinds, and that he doesn't like rain so as far as possible he avoids it!  I then explained about the school bear, Barton, joining us and he immediately introduced us to Bernard Bear, his mascot, that travels everywhere with him! He is fully togged up and rides in the support van where Barton will be allowed to travel with him! So after another tour round the show we left and made our way back to Southampton, had dinner on the ferry, very nice, and got home nice and early.  Getting really excited about the tour next year now.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Quiz night and Redditch

So we did the quiz on Friday and came a veritable 3rd! We thought we had done very badly but obviously not that badly! Of course we would probably have come first if the absent badminton player had been with us!
On to Saturday and a drive up to Edgeware to visit Uncle and check over his car.  He is very well but having hip trouble. Andrew sorted out the car and I sorted the computer, he is now on Skype but not sure if he will be able to work out how to use it!  After lunch we drove on up to Redditch to the Holiday Inn, very comfortable and both had a lovely dinner. Tomorrow we go to the NEC to look at motorbikes and hopefully purchase some bits for next year.  That's all for now, hope the girls had a good time at White Christmas, sang heartily and shopped til they dropped!!

Thursday, 24 November 2011

New blog!

Well here we go then! This is my first attempt at a blog in preparation for our trip abroad next year! Hopefully it will be a work in progress and by the time we go away it will be much improved!