Well, after a very interesting drive across
London avoiding the M25 (Andrew was not impressed and we’re not going back that
way!) We arrived at the Holiday Inn Express and parked in the snow laden car
park. We booked in and went to our room which is pretty standard for any chain
hotel. We then went and put the car in
the designated car park and were driven back to the hotel in our own personal
bus. Having settled in and had a quick
nap we ventured downstairs for dinner. So far so good, drinks bought food ordered. Sat listening to conversations around us and
realized there were a few disgruntled families. Food was taking forever. So an experienced hotel chain at the
beginning of a half term holiday don’t employ enough staff to cope with the
number of people they have booked into the hotel and who will all be wanting
food and drinks! How come they are
still in business? Oh and the heating only works when the key is in the light
slot and you can’t get BBC1 on the telly which seems to have a mind of its own!
Hope this is not how it is going to continue!
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