Saturday, 26 May 2012

Well here we are with only 4 sleeps left to go.  We are now getting very excited and nervous as the great adventure inches closer.  Off to do shopping today for important items such as sun cream and Optrex. Also a hand luggage bag for me to put my crash helmet in. Think everyone at school will be glad when I've gone.  Also charging up the netbook ready to take with us to continue the blog. Barton Bear has arrived at our house and is also excited about the adventure.  When we start the trip it will be Barton who will take over writing the blog so the children back at school can join in with the trip.  When we get to America he will meet the tour guide's bear, Bernard. Apparently they might travel together in the support vehicle. Oh well off to the shops.

1 comment:

  1. The excitement builds. We now have THE MAP in our staff room!
